
We never cease to be amazed at some of the numbers out there in our every day world. We so often take things for granted or are outright oblivious to the size of our world until things are brought into perspective when we hear about a number.

To that end, this website was created to shine a light on these numbers.

Current # of Records: 143

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17 Billions of roles of toilet paper used in the US each year.
(Source:TV ad: Dated: Jan 2015)

17 Million American (7%) think that chocolate milk comes from brown cows.
(Source:Dairy Organization via Fox News 31: Dated: Jun 2017)

24 million web pages that have been published 5 or more years ago on more than 200 million active website, which the developers have lost or forgotten about. Pages that will never, ever be updated, corrected, changed or removed. Pure guess.
(Source:Numbers (this site) publisher. Pure guess: Dated: Dec 2020)

30 Number children (mostly under 2) who died in 2014 when left/locked in a car while adults went shopping.
(Source:CBS Morning News: Dated: May 2016)

31 Number of megacities (10 million + population) in the world. Going to 41 by 2030
(Source:National Geographic - Bloomberg article. Feb 2018: Dated: Feb 2018)

33 Number of 'Broken Arrow' incidents in the US since the beginning. 'Broken Arrow' is a term referring to a B52 accident/crash with a nuclear bomb on board. 33 total bombs went down with the B52 carrying them. Some where found. 2 were semi armed and did not explode. With 2, just the neutron triggers exploded as dirty bombs in Spain. 11 are still classified 'Top Secret' with no information available. Yikes!!
(Source:Atomic Age Declassified TV show: Dated: Aug 2021)

40 Number of deer hit by planes on runways every year in the US
(Source:Good Morning America via TSA: Dated: Feb 2017)

40 billion US$ (and more) runs through the food and beverage vending machines per year.
(Source:Modern Marvel Television Series: Dated: Nov 2020)

48 Number of millions of hours wasted by Americans in 2015 counting out penny change at the cash register.
(Source:Should we get rid of the penny video 2015 : Dated: Jan 2016)

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Disclaimer: This is a user maintained site. All numbers provided on this site should most probably be subject to some level of scrutiny and scepticism and thus should not be taken completely literally. We ask all contributors to provide their source, the date the number was most likely true and to be as accurate as possible. If you see any number that you have more accurate information on for the time period indicated, please feel free to change it. If you have a better number for a different time period, just create a completely new number record.

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