
We never cease to be amazed at some of the numbers out there in our every day world. We so often take things for granted or are outright oblivious to the size of our world until things are brought into perspective when we hear about a number.

To that end, this website was created to shine a light on these numbers.

Current # of Records: 143

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Please feel free to browse, edit and contribute. Please promise to be as accurate as possible.
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90 Gallons of water (on average) used daily per capita (person) in the US.
(Source:U.S. Geological Survey : Dated: May 2019)

83 Percent of plane seats that airlines filled in 2013. Up from 56% in 1970
(Source:Popular Science, Dec 2014: Dated: Jan 2014)

71 million cars produced worldwide in 2018
(Source:Statista : Dated: Jan 2019)

70 Number of laptops left behind in 2 months at a New Jersey Airport. Humm, 10 busiest US airports, year round = ~ 4,200 laptops a year??? Wow
(Source:TSA security check point spokes person : Dated: Dec 2017)

60 Number of rides per week an Uber driver would have to make to earn $50,000 per year in 2016
(Source:USA Today Jan 27 2017: Dated: Jan 2017)

50 miles long.. the length of all Anheuser-Busch deliver trucks lined up on any one day in the US.
(Source:Popular Mechanics: Dated: Mar 2018)

50 Number of dictators in the world as of 2019
(Source:Planet Rulers : Dated: Oct 2019)

48 Number of millions of hours wasted by Americans in 2015 counting out penny change at the cash register.
(Source:Should we get rid of the penny video 2015 : Dated: Jan 2016)

48 Number of minutes (on average) between bank robberies in the US.
(Source:Heard it on TV: Dated: Mar 2019)

Disclaimer: This is a user maintained site. All numbers provided on this site should most probably be subject to some level of scrutiny and scepticism and thus should not be taken completely literally. We ask all contributors to provide their source, the date the number was most likely true and to be as accurate as possible. If you see any number that you have more accurate information on for the time period indicated, please feel free to change it. If you have a better number for a different time period, just create a completely new number record.

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