AAAA Numbers Home Page

We never cease to be amazed at some of the numbers out there in our every day world. We so often take things for granted or are outright oblivious to the size of our world until things are brought into perspective when we hear about a number.

To that end, this website was created to shine a light on these numbers.

Current # of Records: 143

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509,147 Number of data centers in the world. Enough space to fit 5,955 football fields
(Source:DVL website : Dated: Jun 2011)

10 Percentage of Americans who rent off site storage to store their stuff in 2009
(Source:New York Times Magazine : Dated: Sep 2011)

4 Percentage of lost remotes are found in the refrigerator or freezer
(Source:Logitech via Weird Statistics : Dated: Jan 2012)

818 Number of movies produced in the United States in 2011. 3rd most behind India's Bollywood at 1,255 movies and 997 movies by Nigeria's Nollywood.
( : Dated: Jan 2012)

15,000 Number of people killed every year on India's train tracks. 6000 on Mumbai's tracks alone. Collisions, derailing; falling off trains, walking on tracks, etc.
(Source:The Telegraph : Dated: Feb 2012)

83 Percent of plane seats that airlines filled in 2013. Up from 56% in 1970
(Source:Popular Science, Dec 2014: Dated: Jan 2014)

3,035 Number of people living in San Francisco's homeless shelters in 2013
(Source:Popular Science, Dec 2014: Dated: Jan 2014)

11 Number of people who have jumped, fallen or other from cruise ships in 2013
( : Dated: Jan 2014)

300,000 Number of items in the average USA home in 2014.
(Source:LA Times : Dated: Mar 2014)

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Disclaimer: This is a user maintained site. All numbers provided on this site should most probably be subject to some level of scrutiny and scepticism and thus should not be taken completely literally. We ask all contributors to provide their source, the date the number was most likely true and to be as accurate as possible. If you see any number that you have more accurate information on for the time period indicated, please feel free to change it. If you have a better number for a different time period, just create a completely new number record.

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